at the title suggest, this post will be focusing on why females hate females... ONLY read on if
1: you are not a feminist, because u will refute all i have to say...
2. open minded enough to take a joke.
alright... so why does gals hate their same species so much?? first impression really matters for gals, think about it, the impression that gals get on other gals that they hardly know, always, always if not most of the time, starts at a very low level... think about it, if you are a gal, reading this blog, (hi steph) and you meet some nice gal of your friend, you'd most probably have a thought like... geee... her legs are huge... or.... why is she speaking in some weird aussie slang... or her ears are too big...
gals just have this natural instinct (in my opinion) to think like that, maybe they feel like their are in some competition or maybe they just hate each other... i FEEL that they have to make their way up....
i once had a discussion with Mr Yeo about this issue...
here's scenario 1:
ms universe walks past 2 guys....... instantly, they'd be thinkin... wow, nice person.. nice look , bla bla bla...
scenario 2:
ms universe walks past 2 gals.... ai yah.. so fake, why does she have such long lashes... her something something is either too big or small...
do u agree??? well... i'd love to hear comments from you...
i was recently surfing the web on on the sports section... reading about the wimbledon... and how sharapova lost her 2nd round to an unknown.... guess what the 'unknown' said in her press conf after the match....
'Kudryavtseva said: “It’s very pleasant to beat Maria.
Why? Well I don’t like her outfit. That was one of my motivations.
“It’s a little too much of everything. I’m not very good in fashion.
can you feeel the hate tonight??? she hates her because she dress better than her... in a tennis match...
spread love... not hate...
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
Firstly, I'm amused by the fact that you wrote (hi steph) in your entry! ROTFL.
Secondly, in a way, you're right. Isn't it the same for guys? As in you feel all competitive and territorial when you see a guy who's more muscular/drives a better car/is richer/looks better, etc.??
I think it's instinct...survival of the fittest. Alpha female, alpha male.
hahahahaha. i'll reply on my blog :)
Well not all girls have the "Oooo, look at her......!!!" mentality. Besides, not all girls always think that looks are all that anyway. There are other things to pick on other than what you mention in your post.
Tyng Yng
It's taken me awhile to respond to this, cause I realised no matter how I say it, it will reaffirm what you've written in your post. But I concur with all the women who left their two cents worth so far. Especially Debibo's (yes, I read her blog!)
And Ju, I really would look forward to you putting up an entry as per Steph's second paragraph. Do guys hate other better specimens of males at first sight?
and yes bee.... i'll probably be making a prequel and the sequel to the entry on why females hate females...
1. the female wars...
2. the menace of an angry female...
3. attack of the females...
4. revenge of the females...
5. new hope for females around the world.
6. return of the....
and i promise to be fair and will definately do the male version, maybe just a trilogy rather than 6 entries...
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