we all know that petrol price is sky rocketing upwards and it will keep going up for the next few years...
with petrol price at rm2.80, maybe we should find some ways to help reduce our petrol consumption.
forget about converting to a LNG powered car, coz u cant find and when u r outside kl, and when u can find one.. then the que is always 1km long....
forget about buying a hybrid car... coz it cost a bomb to buy it probably due to the tax on it to protect the local car company....
and also forget about pumping petrol the way u r told to by the forwarded emails.... ie... pumping in the morning, pump slower and pumping when there is a petrol tanker re-fuellling the big tanks underground...
why the forwarded stuff dont make sense? well.. its not like they dont buy it make 'INSIGNIFICANT' difference.... think about it, how much vapour can evaporate when u r pumping?? like .001 litres?? or how much hotter do u think the ground can be in comparison to the night, which will make the petrol evaporate faster during the days????
ok ... enuff about it... so whats the best way to reduce petrol consumption??
1. tailgate...slipstream....
how it works? if u get closer to the car in front of u, then u will reduce the wind drag, thus, u will be driving much faster at a lower rpm.... :) good huh? so... start doing it... it will work much better at higher speed... like 80km/h and above..
2. dont eat when driving...
you know when u eat n drive, your concentration is goes away.. rather than thinking on driving, your mind just goes blank and goes into 'enjoying-food mode'... hence, you will be making more un-needed accelerations and braking, which ultimately waste petrol.... so dont eat...
these are just 2 ways i can think of... if u do have any methods thats proven to be good... i'd like to know more about it..!......
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