with the recent price hike of petrol prices... the malaysian govt has promised to improve and increase the public transportation facilities...
'one million to benefit' thats the promise by the govt published by one of the major newspaper in malaysia... would you agree with that? to what level would you agree?
personally, i feel that rather than benefiting a million, i feel that one would benefit millions... think about it, with new govt project, comes new govt tender... new govt tender comes new un-heard of company, and we all know where this is heading to...
i really dont know how this country is gonnna achieve it's 2020 target.. maybe they'll just push it to 3030 or something to give them all more time..
public transportation in france and spain was v.good.. jen n i couldn't speak much spanish nor french but getting around town was good.. easy.. and fast...
i sincerely hope i'll get public transportation around my area soon... not that i'll use it anyway.. hehehehehe
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
We Malaysians are so used to hopping into our comfy fuel-guzzling cars and driving to whatever destination we please, especially for food. I don't think public transportation will pick up significantly unless they:
(1) ensure it's efficiency and cleanliness
(2) maintain relatively low prices for tickets
(3) increase toll rates, reduce petrol subsidy & increase price of cars
man, you sound so serious in this comment, you really serious about taking public transport?
Hahaha...ok, I was trying to sound intellectual! I shall be more casual for my subsequent comments! Hahahaha.
No, I won't be taking public transport anytime soon. I hope! :P
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