i actually blame my parents for pasing this gene down to us, the colour deficient gene... apparently, i am colour blind...
can u actually see the number in these pictures???
i've actually heard explanations of how it can or can't be passed on to our kids... XX?? XY? YY? chromosome?? to cut the story short, my daughter might actually be colour deficient...
can someone explain it to me again... ???
5, 6, 8 & 45...are those the numbers we're supposed to see?
Your daughter?? Are you announcing something...? :)
no... thats if and when i have a daughter.
can't see the numbers.....
That's why la. Didn't listen during Biology back in high school. :P According to Wikipedia, your daughter MAY be affected because....
"About two percent of females and eight percent of males are color blind (Sewell, 1983). The reason males are at a greater risk of inheriting an X linked mutation is because males only have one X chromosome (XY, with the Y chromosome being significantly shorter than the X chromosome), and females have two (XX); if the women inherit a normal X chromosome in addition to the one which carries the mutation, they will not display the mutation, while men have no 'spare' normal chromosome to override the chromosome which carries the mutation. In color blindness caused by mutations on the X chromosome there is a 50% chance of male offspring being affected and a 50% chance of female offspring being carriers. Nature usually deals with mutated genes by expressing the healthy copy in offspring."
Btw...I had trouble discerning what the first number was at first...
you are color blind?!
thanks bee... i remember hearing something like this from my dr friend.....and hahahaa maybe u r colour deficient too??
tiff: not colour blind... colour deficient.... bruno is even worse...he thinks the brown snooker ball is red...
Did you know that there is an urban legend or an old wives tale that say if you frequently do an activity involving your hand and your male genitals it can make you go blind.
Possible reason why this is happening to you. Basic Instinct since Standard 6 in Kuan Leong's house.
ooooh how do you take photos being colour deficient and all? :P
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