recently, my maid gave my laptop away.... a toshiba laptop that has been with me for the past year or so.....
how it got stolen, well.. the main conviniently left it outside the car porch so that her friend would come n collect it during 3.13am ... how do i know that? the CC tv that belongs to be opposite neighbour told me that...
so yeah, i had to buy a new computer, on behalf of the company of coz, ... took jen's comment about how mac's are SOOO much better, i fell for it....
got a mac book white, i dont know what specs it has la... but i paid bout 3500 for it..
why does it suck?
1. had to buy VGA adaptor for plug to projector.
2. non windows based
3. had to buy software to sync my phone ... USD 39 bucks.. damm it...
plus side?
1. great colours man... jen's photos on her blogsite seem to pop up even more...
2. great battery life span... (went to jakarta with 2 dvds.. manage to play em both)
3. looks cool...
should you go for a mac??? well... yeah... maybe.. if u need to...
is it REALLLYYYY that great???? yeahh.. maybe... its ok la...
verdict.... still getting use to it... but i'm sure when i do get use to it, i'll like..
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