i feel the sudden need to create this entry due to the over whelming respond i got from the why females hate females entry.... (i will try to not 'backspace' and let things come out yah)...
so here's the deal... why do guys hate other guys??? what makes us hate each other so much?? well... i'm sure we all the the usual suspects like... wow, he's got a good looking car, good looking gf/wife, or ... erm or ermm.. i dunnno, something is his possesion that more attractive, expensive then what you have... ... there are males out there who feel the need to feel 'jealous', threaten over these kinda situation which brings out the similarities between the root and nature of the hate between females... i totally agree on that,....
but personally, this is a personal opinion ok... you you feel like commmenting on it, please feel free yah....
personally, most males just bond with each other much much faster and easier... i'm using myself here as a case study here because, i feel that we,males get to know each other better and faster, although i have to stress that it's much more on a shallow level.... .. or do we??
i must admit, there are some people who get my my nerve occasional with remarks or actions. but should the respond to this be hate?? can't we just get into a 'ignore' mode, ?? yes we can...
and this is where the difference is... the reaction to one's negative perception on someone, if you are a guy would usually consist on the following....
1. go yum cha with friends and talk about 70% football, 10% what went on during the day.. n maybe 10% and the rest is just dll.....
2. go to a pub... ... drink some beer... get some anti despression liquid...
but if you are not a male..... then the respond to one's negative perception on someone WOULD normally be of complaining... and complaint... and more ... to your friend, husband, bf, mom dad... work mates... do u think so??? non males just like complaining and dwelling in stuff that isn't beneficial and probably make them hate much more... what do u think?? non males are just created to complaint.. and listen to complaints and encourage feedback to close the communication loop.... why do u think call centers have females answering calls??
this is again is a sexist entry, sorry if i've offended you... and do comment on it.... or reply it on your own blog like miss debido...
till then.. ....
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
hahahahahahahaha... this is so funny cos i just had a conversation with a guy friend of mine last night about this!
to blith3 - thanks for reading my blog :)
wahhh...sexistnya...you are just generalizing...non males are not being created to complain...we are just more expressive and vocal as compared to guys who most of the time just keep things to themselves and think that they can handle things on their own in which in actual fact, they can't! =P
debido: conversation about what???you want to elaborate on it?
mellie: we can .... we can... i'm sure we can ...
expression that keeps on getting deeper and deeper...
btw debido, blith3 is a good friend from smk seafield.... thought me how to copy during add math tuition...
and blith3.... debido is my church mate... proudly from sarawak.
Eh, manyak pandai! You learnt to copy add maths on your own laa, Mr. Tan! I just became the practice dummy at add maths tuition. :P
Largely, I agree with you. But not necessarily in a bad way. Guys just prefer to (and I say this with a lot of affection, coz I got more guy pals than gals) dumb it down. Deny it. Be nice. Avoid conflict wherever possible...before they lose it and physically whack the object of their ire silly. But gals love guys for this, really!
Girls on the other hand, love to let off steam (complain la), analyse, benchmark, strategise and then, depending on this analysis, do as the guys do. But in varying degrees. Yes, we're just being complex, adding on that extra layer of mental torture...but we're also trying to get ahead.
Why else do guys lose so badly whenever it comes to emotional battles with women? We play smarter la!
PS - Nice to meet you, Debibo. Went to Sarawak for the Rainforest Festival last year...loved the Sarawak, loved the festival!
Erm, if I remember correctly, you copied me too!!! While wearing your hairband cos your fringe was sooo long. Hahahaha.
So which male do you hate?? Share info lah. :P
My two cents on this is that. I think in general humans have a tendency to be jealous not just toward their own gender but to the opposite one as well. Yes it is intensified when we compare to our counterparts, however, living in this competitive world, everyone wants to one up the other person. Guess it goes back to the times of hunters and gatherers too I suppose. The man who hunts the most, the female who gathers the most, would be more sought after. Same concept in this materialistic and beauty conscious world now. If you have more "stuff", if you're "prettier/ better looking", the one with less or non of the above might "hate" you. I don't think it stems from hatred, more "why not me?" kind of mentality. Hence the picking of tiny imperfections to lessen the god/goddess-like notion of the object whom you envy.
Ok long comment, don't know all those make sense, but yeah...my two cents worth.
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