Wednesday, August 19, 2009

assuming if he did jumped out the window...

assuming Teoh Beng Hock did commit suicide as some quarters are claiming, someone should have done something to prevent it, assuming that someone was around when he jumped off...

what could have been done to prevent mr teoh from jumping?

1. do what jack dawson did when rose wanted to jump off the titanic...not the 'you jump.. i jump' bit, but the part where she wanted to commit suicide during the early stages of the movie...

i think he was using some reverse psychology thing in telling her how bad the fall would be n how it would feel like a thousand knifes stabbing her with the freezing ice cold water.

or , do this....which is far far more effective...

2. do what the yes-man did.... sing him a song....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


i'm sure our PM will have to do something more than just writting on his blog and visiting different places with predominantly different race to help grow his concept of 1malaysia...