1. i'm a leftie who kicks with my right leg..
2. i've been told that i'm a parrot.. i sing to what i can hear.
3. i've been told that i pooop very fast... splash and dash...
4. i once pissed in a VCR player... thought it was a urinal... i was 4...
5. i watch a lot of sports on tv...
6. i've never been interested in any tv series apart from friends and raymond... so bones, desperate housewife, prison break, .... doesn't really appeal to me.
7. i'm thinking of going back to school to study paint/coating to become a paint inspector
8. i will never get sick of friend rice.... and egg..
9. i've been told by my mom that she was hoping that i was a girl when she became pregnant... so the first few months of pregnancy, she ate lots of taufooooooofar hoping that she'll have a fair girl.. hhaahah..
10. i'm colour deficient... and so are my 2 brothers.
11. knowledge.... i get it all from channel 551-554 on astro... (natgeo, discov, etc)
12. i play the drums (thanks v!)
13. i have a torn cruciate ligament on my right knee.
14. i will always be in debt till i die.
15. i think i'm a churvanistic person....
16. i dislike female activist.
17. phobias that i have, height-0-phobia, homo-phobia, (yet to discover the rest yet)
18. love pets, the animals that are associate to me closely are schevski the silky terrier, chloe the beagle, padme amidala and tigger....
19. i hate... i HATE oil marks on my car window...
20. verdelho for whites, cabernet sauvignon for reds and tiger for beer
21. a very obvious extravert... but i think i get myself into too many trouble and sometimes, i wish i was an intra....
22. the stupidest thing i said very recently was to ask someone ' are you guys on your honeymoom'.. i was asking the mom and her son.
23. i still cannot believe i am blogging...
24. i have driven on the sepang international circuit with my red crv once.... illegally..
25. my personal goal for the next few yrs/mths.... lost weight to fit into the average weight in the elevator specification..
26. to make shopping easier and faster, i buy pants, underwear, shirts, in the same pattern but just in different colours
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago